
With more than 10 years of rich experience in working with fortune 1000 customers through MSP and SOW model, we at Arrime Technologies optimize staffing solutions tailored for specific business needs. We have worked along-side partners to learn, define, and implement strategies to be leveraged for staff augmentation helping our clients solve unique and demanding business challenges by timely reaching out to the right talent. Over the years, the top five concerns we have been hearing from hiring managers are:

  • Hiring qualified talent within a specific deadline to meet business needs
  • Back-outs at last minutes impacting overall business targets
  • Extra hand-holding of talent leading to performance issues
  • Higher pay rate demanded by consultants
  • High attrition rate


  • Reduce your hiring cost by providing right talent with minimal back-outs and other non-delivery issues.
  • 95% Coverage with overall accounts
  • 24 x 7 Global Recruiting and Support Desk to cover any geographical area
  • Academy Model for Integration - we train veterans and fresh graduates to provide you with talent at optimal cost
  • Industry-focused specialized delivery teams to produce best output
  • Dedicated HR-employee engagement for talent retention
  • Strong candidate redeployment model to provide trusted resources to our clients.

Key Areas of Focus:

  • SAP Implementation and Staffing Services
  • Cloud Technologies – Analytics (Big Data, Dashboard), Public/Private/Hybrid Cloud, Enterprise Mobility Management
  • Java Application Development Services, Building Java-based solutions from scratch
  • Mobile Applications Development
  • Automation Testing

Various Contract Services at Arrime Technologies

Contract Staffing

Arrime Technologies Contract Staffing Services are a perfect solution for companies that experience frequent fluctuation in their needs for Java resources. As your projects start to ramp up, Arrime Technologies is there to supplement the necessary resources to complete the job. As projects are completed and inventory begins to slow down, we will handle the discontinuation of existing contracts. With Contract Staffing Services, you and Arrime Technologies, agree on an hourly bill rate and an expected duration of the contract. As soon as the contract starts, Arrime Technologies handles all human resource functions including payroll generation and distribution, payroll tax withholding, state and federal reporting requirements, and employer-related insurance administration


Contract-to-Hire Services are very similar to Contract Staffing Services with the exception that it is normally the intention of the company to hire the Arrime Technologies consultant at some point in the future. Contract-to-Hire Services give the company the ability to monitor the work performance of a consultant prior to making a formal offer of employment. With Contract-to-Hire Services, Arrime Technologies and the company agree on an hourly bill rate for the contract period, the date the consultant will be converted to a regular employee of the company, a minimum number of hours the consultant must work as a Arrime Technologies Consultant prior to conversion and/or a conversion fee which is payable to Arrime Technologies once the consultant is converted to regular employee status with the company

Direct Placements

Arrime Technologies Permanent Placement Services are perfect solutions for companies that need resources internally but may lack the recruiting expertise or resources to attract ideal candidates. Arrime Technologies can also do the job that our clients cannot, namely seeking out those top performers who are gainfully employed at their current company and not actively seeking to change jobs. We are able to recruit these people for you by selling them by highlighting the benefits of working for your company. Permanent Placement Services give companies the ability to immediately hire Arrime Technologies Consultants as internal employees. With Permanent Placement Services, Arrime Technologies and the company agree on the terms of the Permanent Placement which typically include the fee percentage and a guarantee provision should the consultant not work out for the company needs

Statement of Work

Managing contracts, suppliers and delivery of work can be a tedious process. At Arrime Technologies, we offer Statement of Work (SOW) management service that aims to eliminate risk and augment returns by contractually defining the project scope, objectives, timelines, and deliverable. Your Statement of Work (SOW) is intended to give you visibility and consistency with every one of your projects, outlying milestones, timelines, valuing, and the specific roles and duties of your engineering specialists. By including this information inside a Statement of Work (SOW), it encouraged the provider to be responsible for execution and delivery of the work


Public Sector